【Special】 IESE 在校生とのバーチャルコーヒーチャット 9/8(日) 19:00-21:00(日本時間)  登録はこちら

3. Podcast

Podcast IESE tech club, Product manager at N26 (formerly an Investment Researcher in the UK)


04:07: Decision to transition to Tech
09:01: Preparing for applying
14:18: Challenges faced in Tech and PM
17:43: Transferable skills used in Tech and PM
20:20: Looking back and changing
25:39: Advice to IESE students


Myles Tullo, MBA Class of 2018)::

Myles navigated his transition to Tech and Product Management by identifying FinTech’s potential in London. His journey began at N26, starting in strategy operations, where he engaged in tasks from regulatory negotiations to launch planning. This experience, coupled with his passion for FinTech developed at a primary research firm and an MBA, facilitated his move into product management, particularly after spearheading N26’s UK expansion efforts.

